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   2002-09 2006-06, 西南大学澳门新葡澳京7906, 农学, 学士

   2006-09 2009-06, 西南大学生物技术中心, 生物化学与分子生物学, 硕士

   2009-09 2014-06, 西南大学生物技术中心, 生物化学与分子生物学博士


2014.07-2023.06  西南大学 生物技术中心 实验师

2023.06-至今    西南大学 澳门新葡澳京7906  实验师





[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,31501348GhMAKR在棉铃和种子发育中的功能研究,2016.01-2018.1220万元,主持

[2] 重庆市科委,重庆市自然科学基金项目,cstc2017jcyjAX0119,聚合iaaMGhCKXRNAi基因,实现种子-纤维产量和品质同步改良,2017.07-2020.065万元,主持

[3] 西南大学研究生科技创新基金-优博项目, Rb2010005, 利用激素生物合成与代谢调控基因协调改良棉花种子质量和纤维品质,2012.01-2014.12, 5万元,主持

[4] 国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,2016ZX08005003-004,棉花优质纤维基因的挖掘及分子改良,2016.01-2020.12346万元,主研

[5] 国家科技部重点研发计划(子课题),2016YFD0100505-03,棉花纤维品质相关基因和调控元件的克隆与鉴定,2016.01-2020.12120万,主研

[6] 国家自然科学面上项目,31871676,棉花GhPIN3a调控纤维细胞中生长素积累的机理,2019-01-01 2022-12-3160万元,主研

[7] 国家自然科学面上项目, 31571722鞘脂及GhKDSRs基因在棉花纤维伸长中的功能和调控机制,2016-01-01 2019-12-31,68万元,主研



[1] Juan Zhao; Wenqin Bai; Qiwei Zeng; Shuiqing Song; Mi Zhang; Xianbi Li; Lei Hou; Yuehua Xiao; Ming Luo; Demou Li; Xiaoying Luo; Yan Pei ; Moderately enhancing cytokinin level by down-regulation of GhCKX expression in cotton concurrently increases fiber and seed yield, Mol Breeding , 2015, 35: 60-71

[2] 丁晓艳; ; 钱山山; 阎星颖; ; 利用 FBP7::iaaM 转基因材料同步改良短季棉品种晋棉11 纤维产量 和品质, 作物学报 , 2018, 44: 1152-1158

[3] Jianyan Zeng, Xingying Yan, Wenqin Bai, Mi Zhang, Yang Chen, Xianbi Li, Lei Hou, Juan Zhao, Xiaoyan Ding, Ruochen Liu, Fanlong Wang, Hui Ren, Jingyi Zhang, Bo Ding, Haoru Liu, Yuehua Xiao, Yan Pei. Carpel-specific down-regulation of GhCKXs in cotton significantly enhances seed and fiber yield. J Exp Bot. 2022 Nov 2;73(19):6758-6772.

[4]  Fanlong Wang, Xianbi Li, Yujie Li, Jing Han, Yang Chen, Jianyan Zeng, Mei Su, Jingxin Zhuo, Hui Ren, Haoru Liu, Lei Hou, Yanhua Fan, Xingying Yan, Shuiqing Song, Juan Zhao, Dan Jin, Mi Zhang, Yan Pei* Arabidopsis P4 ATPase-mediated cell detoxification confers resistance to Fusarium graminearum and Verticillium dahlia. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 5;12(1):6426.

[5] Xiaoyan Ding, Xianbi Li, Lei Wang, Jianyan Zeng, Liang Huang, Li Xiong, Shuiqing Song, Juan Zhao, Lei Hou, Fanlong Wang, Yan Pei. Sucrose enhanced reactive oxygen species generation promotes cotton fibre initiation and secondary cell wall deposition. Plant Biotechnol J. 2021 Jun;19(6):1092-1094.

[6]Yang Chen, Mi Zhang, Lei Wang, Xiaohan Yu, Xianbi Li, Dan Jin, Jianyan Zeng, Hui Ren, Fanlong Wang, Shuiqing Song, Xingying Yan, Juan Zhao and Yan Pei* GhKWL1 Upregulates GhERF105 but Its Function Is Impaired by Binding with VdISC1, a Pathogenic Effector of Verticillium dahlia. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jul 8;22(14):7328.

[7]Mi Zhang, Huizhen Cao, Jing Xi , Jianyan Zeng, Juan Huang, Baoxia Li, Shuiqing Song, Juan Zhao, Yan Pei. Auxin Directly Upregulates GhRAC13 Expression to Promote the Onset of Secondary Cell Wall Deposition in Cotton Fibers. Front Plant Sci. 2020 Nov 5;11:581983.

[8]Jianyan Zeng, Mi Zhang, Lei Hou, Wenqin Bai, Xingying Yan, Nan Hou, Hongxing Wang, Juan Huang, Juan Zhao and Yan Pei* Cytokinin inhibits cotton fiber initiation by disrupting PIN3a-mediated asymmetric accumulation of auxin in the ovule epidermis. J Exp Bot. 2019 Jun 28;70(12):3139-3151.

[9]Bai, Weiqin; Xiao, Yue-Hua; Zhao, Juan; Song, Shuiqing; Hu, Lin; Zeng, Jianyan; Li,Xianbi; Hou, Lei; Luo, Ming; Li, Demou; Pei, Yan ; Gibberellin overproduction promotes sucrose synthase expression and secondary cell wall deposition in cotton fibers, PLos One , 2014, 9(5): 1-7

[10]Zhang M, Zheng XL, Song SQ, Zeng QW, Hou L, Li DM, Zhao J, Wei Y, Li XB, Luo M, Xiao YH, Luo XY, Zhang JF, Xiang CB & Pei Y. (2011) Spatiotemporal manipulation of auxin biosynthesis in cotton ovule epidermal cells enhances fiber yield and quality. Nature Biotechnology. 29(5):453-458.

[11]Xiao Y, Li D, Yin M, Li X, Zhang M, Wang Y, Dong J, Zhao J, Luo M, Luo X, Hou L, Hu L, Pei Y* (2010) Gibberellin 20-oxidase promotes initiation and elongation of cotton fibers by regulating gibberellin synthesis. Journal of Plant Physiology 167: 829-837

[12]Dong J, Yin MH, Yang F, Zhao J, Qin S, Hou L, Luo M, Pei Y, and Xiao YH. (2009) Cloning and expression profile of gibberellin insensitive dwarf GID1 homologous genes from cotton. Acta Agron Sin. 35(10):1822–1830.

[13]Tan KL, Hu MY, Li XB, Qin S, Li DM, Luo XY, Zhao J, Zang ZL, Li BL, Pei Y, and Luo M. (2009) Molecular identification and expression analysis of GhCYP51G1 gene, a homologue of obtusifoliol- 14alpha-demethylase gene, from upland cotton. Acta Agron Sin. 35(7):1194–1201.


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[2] 张觅,席敬,曾健晏,阎星颖,李保霞,赵娟,裴炎,GTP结合蛋白基因GhROP6在调控棉花纤维性状中的应用,2021.10.26,国家发明专利,ZL202010562774.9

[3] 侯磊,李晨曦,杨洋,刘芹,孟伟,张云逸,刘浩儒,张国庆,朱茜,丁博,裴炎,李先碧,赵娟,胚珠特异启动子PMEI_d及其应用,2019.10.15, 国家发明专利,ZL201910977951.7

[4] 侯磊,张国庆,朱茜,杨洋,丁博,刘芹,孟伟,张云逸,刘浩儒,裴炎,李先碧,赵娟,梁爱敏,编码胞间连丝定位蛋白的GhPDLP6-3基因及其用途,2019.09.26, 国家发明专利,ZL201910917190.6

[5] 侯磊,林显凤,杨洋,李志磊,余艳,裴炎,梁爱敏,李先碧,肖月华,罗明,金丹,赵娟,一种种子和棉花纤维优势表达启动子PSDP-d及其应用,2016.03.11, 国家发明专利,ZL201610137528.7

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